Recently, this ACL soda (that’s Applied Color Label for those new to bottle collecting) from the 1940s or 1950s brought a generous $305. When I say generous, my bias is showing: I have a hard time accepting bottles of this era as ANTIQUE. It’s not just that they do not fit the dictionary definition of antique, but perhaps just because they join most bottles of the 20th century as machine manufactured. Long live the Luddite, and praise the men who hand crafted glass in earlier days.
Back to 2010. While most ACL soda bottles will cross the $30 mark, occasionally they bring a good bit more. Of course, as always, condition is of utmost importance, and this one is all clean, sheen and pristine. But that is about it – otherwise it is fairly plain jane, so look twice before you recycle them.
Perhaps someone can fill me in on the record price for an ACL soda?
Look to the SODA FIZZ web site for more information on the ACL soda craze.
Piedmont Pale Dry Ginger Ale bottle auction
Search for ACL soda bottles on ebay