Many bottle collectors get started with bottles such as the lovely cobalt blue Bromo Seltzer. Who doesn’t like cobalt blue?
Yes, they are common but there are hard to beat for beautiful blue glowing in your window. Get a plain cobalt one for just a few dollars. There are teal blue and Prussian blue colors around but they are more scarce. You will need to pay more for them. Occasionally, you will see a very pale blue example that borders on a blue aqua color.
This set of 3 Bromo Seltzers shows the different colors. See them at

A few Bromo Seltzer bottles at auction on ebay
You will see a wide variety of prices and conditions. Be picky. These bottles are fairly common, so hold out for a decent price and look for examples in clean, undamaged condition.
Age of Bromo Seltzer bottles
First, cork top examples are always older than screw top. Figure that screw top glass bottles could be as new as the 1960s. For cork top, many will have a mold seam that goes all the way to the top of the lip which indicates they are made by machine (known to bottle collectors as ABM which stands for automatic bottle machine) A smaller number will have a mold seam which stops somewhere on the neck. These would be the earliest of all and date most likely before 1920.
Cork top examples in perfect condition bring from $1 to $5 at online auction. Expect to pay more for unusual colors – perhaps as much as $20 to $30. As of the writing of this article, groups of Bromo Seltzer bottles had also sold on ebay. I found one listing for a group of 14 that sold for $33. Note that these prices do not include the cost of shipping. Screw top examples are generally worth about the same or less. Labels always add value if they are in good condition, especially to the oldest cork top variants.
Photos of Bromo Seltzer bottles, advertising and related items

i like online auctions, they give that sort of adrenaline rush when buying…
Ummmm mine is a mix between cobalt and Prussian blue….what do I do now…?
Prussian blue is a fairly scarce color for this bottle. I have seen them sell as much as the $20-40 range. Condition is VERY important.
I am in search of a 2 1/2″ clear bromo seltzer bottle my email address is leave a message I will contact you if you leave your info
I have a clear 2 1/2 inch bromo seltzer bottle. rare, value
Unusual for sure. Not sure how much this color would add to value for a very common mold like this, but one never knows.
You might post a photo over at the forum:
Robert Edelman If you still have it I am looking for one please email me at if you wouldn’t mind trading or selling , thank you
Has anyone ever seen the matchbook for Bromo-Selter advertising W.S.S. bonds for WWI? I have one and probably will list it on Ebay.
i have a clear 21/2 inch bromoseltzer bottle with a backwards z. bottle is blown and is in excellent condition. anyone have an idea of rarity or value bob
I was raking I’m my backyard when l come across a small bottle with printing on it.bromo seltzer Emerson drug co.baltimore maryland.lm soaking it to get the dirt out of the looks brown.the house l lived in will turned 100 in july.a doctor build it.thank u.
When I was 8 maybe 9 I dug up maybe 30-40 Bromo-Seltzer bottles by Emerson drug co. Baltimore, MD maybe not sure..?? Right next to railroad tracks.. I lived in Waldorf, MD an I still have all the bottles, they range in all sizes. I have some very small bottles an some very large bottles an all colors but mostly colbolt blue an light blue, an I manged to find a few tops.. I was wondering if someone could point me the right direction on how I may find out what these bottles may be worth or who I may talk to about them.. Thanks for Your help.. Donella Gooding
As you might expect, these bottles are very common. However, people love cobalt blue and you will see them at flea markets or antique shops for a few dollars each.
Donella I collect bromo and know about the different varieties, if you still have them and need help IDing variants and pricing feel free to email me at for help ! Love bottle chat . Mike
Keep looking The fun never ends
I would like to pare down my cobalt blue bottle collection. I have several Bromo-Seltzer screw lid bottles. I’d like to keep one or two of the older ones. Which is older? The light blue, or the dark blue? Also, does the number on the bottom tell if it is older? I have a couple with a 4, and a couple with a 16. Also, which is older? Brome-Seltzer at the top? Or, Bromo-Seltzer at the bottom? Any information is appreciated.
I just found one nicely beached today..couldn’t believe my eyes!
Found one today with a 17 on the bottom. Beautiful deep blue, 1½ threads on top.
Side seams. Top has 2 broken chunks out of it. Has BROMO SELTZER around the shoulder twice.
Don’t want to sell it, as it has no value since broken.
Just trying to find an accurate manufacturer date.